projectART Wimberley
projectArt Wimberley
This year, WimberleyArts.org and the Stars Over Wimberley Team have partnered with our sister non-profit, projectART to highlight the incredible talents of Wimberley's youth. These young artists will create exclusive designs for our Stars Merchandise, including tea towels and note cards.
Proceeds from the sales are shared between projectART and the Robert Moreman Memorial Scholarship Fund, all in support of our Rising Stars!

About projectArt
Their Mission: To support art education and provide creative opportunities for area students.
What They Do: Their founding members include art teachers, art professionals, and parents who believe are is an integral part of a child's development. They understand that the fine arts provide students with opportunities to explore their creativity and self expression, as well as, use critical thinking skills and self-motivation to excel in all areas of their learning.
projectART Wimberley:
Is committed to supporting Fine Arts Education in the area. Our goals are to support Wimberley ISD art programs, expand our support to KAPS and other Wimberley organizations, continue to display youth are in the Wimberley community and expand projectMENTOR - our student/professional artist apprenticeship program.
Nurtures and inspires young artists diverse learning and innovative thinking, and provides real-world experiences that give area students the tools to pursue their creative ambitions and meaningfully contribute to their future communities.

student artwork
This year an art contest was held at Danforth Junior High School for students to submit artwork that would showcase the Stars Over Wimberley Benefit Concert Series theme. Ms. Tiffany Huff oversaw her 7th and 8th grade students as they endeavored to create work for this theme. Our winning artwork, the students who created it, and their inspiration are presented here for you to enjoy. Look for their work on T-shirts, programs, tote bags and more.
Our special thanks to Ms. Huff for her time, effort, and for inspiring her students every day to explore their creative gifts! To learn more about Tiffany Huff and her amazing art go to www.etsy.com/shop/axismoon or instagram@tiffanyhufff.